April 22, 2016 Markham— the launch of the much anticipated annual festival—TD Taste of Asia 2016
was formally announced by Chairman Dr. Ken Ng of Federation of Chinese Canadians in Markham
(FCCM), Mayor Frank Scarpitti, Hon. Minister Michael Chan, together with presenting sponsor TD
Bank Group, at the media conference held today at the Markham Civic Centre. This year’s festival will
fall on the weekend of June 25th and 26th, bringing the best of Asian cultures, experiences and food to
the Ontarians and tourists once again.

“With the support of our new presenting sponsor, TD Bank Group, we will be expecting some newer
and greater things. In terms of celebration, we will be bringing out amazing cultural performances by
our youth in Markham,” said Dr. Ken Ng, “we will also extend our activities to feature “East meets
West” an unprecedented feature at the TD Taste of Asia festival to recognize Canadian roots and
showcase the Indigenous community. Our silver sponsor Desjardins Insurance will be hosting some photo
booths at the festival as well.”

“The Taste of Asia is one of Markham’s premier multicultural festivals that has become a must attend
for residents from Markham and across the GTA,” said Mayor Frank Scarpitti. “Congratulations to
festival founder Dr. Ken Ng for his leadership on Taste of Asia, and an event that reflects and
celebrates the rich diversity of our community.”

Thanking the government of Ontario for their ongoing support Dr. Ken Ng announced, “We are going
to make it a mission to involve more youth this year in our cultural performances. We will also be
inviting International Michelin Chefs from Asia to broaden the perspective of Asia cuisine at our
festival, from the most popular fusion street eats from our amazing vendors to the refined flavours
from these international chefs on stage!”

This year’s festival would not be made possible without the presenting sponsor, TD Bank Group,
Honorary Sponsors, The Consul General of the People’s Republic of China in Toronto and the Royal
Thai Embassy, Canadian Heritage Fund and Celebrate Ontario, Silver Sponsor, Desjardins Insurance,
food and beverage sponsors and community partners today.

TD Taste of Asia Festival 2016 means two great days of multicultural foods and performances on June
25 & 26, 2016. The festival will take place on Kennedy Rd. between Steeles Ave. and Clayton Drive
which will be closed to traffic to host the event. Admission is FREE. Expecting over 150 booths will be
there to cater to your taste buds and curiosity from Saturday 11 am to midnight and Sunday 11am to 7pm. Enjoy free shows, live entertainment, on site cooking demonstration, dancing, Overseas Chinese
Stars, Martial Arts, Bollywood and a lot more.

Mark your calendar now and see you there!


今年的萬錦亞洲文化美食節同樣在六月最後一個周末即 6 月 25、26 日舉行。這將是一場亞洲文化、美食的盛宴。

吳建忠醫生表示,今年的主題贊助商為道明銀行集團,新的主題贊助會為大家帶來一些新的元素。除了往年傳統的文化化表演,美食欣賞,我們將會看到萬錦市的年輕人帶來的文化表演。今年還會有「東西方交匯」作為活動的延伸,在體會亞洲文化的同時也展現加拿大本土文化,感受亞洲文化融入加拿大多元文化中。活動銀贊助Desjardins Insurance 會在現場有圖片展示。

萬錦市長薛家平表示,有道明銀行集團、泰國大使館、加樂匯韓國超市、Desjardins Insurance 及很多其他贊助商的大力支持,在萬錦市政府、約克區警察局、萬錦市消防局等的共同努力下,相信本屆萬錦文化亞洲美食節無論在參與單位、美食攤位數量、多元化及參與人數上都會創下新的記錄!



支持萬錦文化美食文化節的還有中國駐多倫多總領館、加拿大文化基金會(Canada Heritage Fund) 、Celebrate Ontario 等。活動時間為周六 6 月 25 日上午十一時至午夜, 周日 6 月 26 日上午十一時至下午七時,屆時將會有豐富的亞洲各國文化表演,超過 150 個美食及文化攤位,周六晚邀請歌星現場獻唱,全部活動免入場費,期待您的到來!歡迎攜帶家人參加!詳情可上網 www.taste-of-asia.ca 查詢或致電 905-946-1137 。